prudence charlz

Writing and Teaching

11:42 AM

Writing is not for "you?" This what could make you remember when you read one of Neo Blue Panther's blog entries, Write, to be Read.

On his latest post, 5 Essentials of a Great Blog Post brings you to the awakening of your senses to create an entry that drives more readers and hopes to share it with others. Neo Blue Panther presents it in a manner that each visitor will remember before sitting in front of their computer and starting writing their blog post.



Writing is sometimes hard if you don't know what to write. Much more if you can't put all the words together and create a good harmony. Writing is same as teaching; you can't teach a thing if you don't have knowledge about it.

There are lots of advices and tips in writing, however these will not work if you don't follow and start writing. It would also help if you love what you are writing. But in case you have to write a topic out of your passion, simply research and comprehend well before start telling about it. After writing, read it and make sure you understand your article well.

Yes, it is true that you cannot please everybody, but you can please the majority of everybody.


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Prudence Charlz

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