The Patient - Part 3 of 16

6:15 PM

Day after day is new to me. I have new people to meet. It is amazing and quite rewarding because some of my patients became my friends.

Okay, how they gotten into me. I discovered this profession with my school friends in my sophomore year. For the record, no money involved. All consultation is absolutely free until now. But I think I have collected too my doctor's fee by gaining friendship with them.

The ones who unfolded my line of duty to my new friends are my close friends. Of course, who else?

Honestly, it is hard to have this kind of duty because I become the shock absorber, the fortune teller, the psychologist, the comforter, the critics or the entertainer too. But I am enjoying it, so what's the big deal?

Whatever anyone would like to call me does not matter to me what important is the medication I would give. And my most prescribed line is: "Everybody deserves a second chance. It's the only time you can undo." Of course, most of my patients are into love problems. (Yeah, ironically I am unsuccessful with mine.) Anyway, most of them are like this: a girl or boy who has been cheated or only she or he thought, asking me what to do. But then, on a second thought, this famous line is only for those who deserved it.

There are also cases of a guy or gal who wants to bring back his girl or boy, but does not know how. Hmm, quite interesting?

But sorry I will not elaborate their case, they are secrets anyway.

All right, allow me to shift to another side of my story. I will start in one wee-small-hour that suprised me on my deep sleep.

© 2008-2009. Prudence Charlz. No part of this story may be reproduced or republished or copied without written permission by the author.

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Prudence Charlz

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