blog of the day

Poems from Guernsey

10:54 PM

Last time I shared a link to a blog but haven' t shared any info about it. If you happened to visit the blog, hope you were able to read some poems that would inspire you. For those who haven't visited it, please read on my brief preview about it.

Poet @ Jaybern shares poems written by John. His poems are not ordinary; they are part of his mission to "reinvent" himself. You may find out more why John has to reinvent himself and the poems that say about it.

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  1. Thank you so much for this post, which directs people to my blog. Your kind words have helped me to start my day in a positive way.

  2. I like poetry, so obviously would visit the blog you've mentioned about in your post. Thanks for sharing it.

  3. Thank you so much for visiting and leaving a comment here. I wasn't able to reply immediately, my apologies.

    @John: It is nice to hear that I helped you in my own little way to have a good day. :) Thank you so much.

    @Elvirah: Hope you already visited John's blog. Have a nice day. :)


Thank you for your comments! Have a nice day!

Keep visiting Every-Witchy Way.

Prudence Charlz

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