
Crochet, Editing makes me busy

7:07 PM

It's been months since the last time I've updated Every-witchy Way. But I was able to change my blogger of the day and Top 10 Entrecard droppers. I am really thankful with them because, despite not getting back to visit their site, they still came by to visit here.

I just would like to share why It took me months to update.

I am currently busy with my small business. It was time-consuming studying stitches and patterns. Yes, I'm into creating items which, in my case, need yarn and hooks; I am a crocheter. At first, I planned to concentrate on baby booties then later I found the passion to create hair accessories. But I have to expand my item list so I am also pulling yarns to create dog sweaters and bags. Though I haven't get even with my capital, I still would to pursue this since probably in time, it will grow.

Aside from crochet, I need to allot most of my time to my home-based job. It seems easy but if there is a time I fail to distinguish editing a report to a news or feature article then I receive an email asking me for clarifications why I have to edit a part. Like, I was asked if we have to censor profanities in the report, since when I was still working in a publishing industry I used to replace the vowels to * on foul or offensive words, but with my current job it is not necessary. So I just give it a sigh. I am relatively new with my job and there are lots of things to get familiar with. I just hope before the year ends, I get used to the editing style of the company.

By the way, there are two books I have to read and share it here. I have them last October so hope this month I could share them. They are written by a blogger which I am sure that some of you have visited his site.

I still have updating to do on my Facebook account, Prudence Charlz Connects. I would like to upload all the screenshots of blog and web sites I have featured here. I would find time to finish it.

I think that's all for now. For the meantime, please visit Poet @ Jaybern.

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Keep visiting Every-Witchy Way.

Prudence Charlz

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