
This Floor is Open to Promote Your Blog

10:47 PM

Hi there! Thank you for dropping by. I believe you are also waiting for my new post on which site or what topic I will feature. But just this morning, I thought of something different. I would like to open this post for your blog or web sites.

Simply leave a comment with the following details:

Name of your site (with URL)
One- to two- sentence description about your site
Why do you want others to visit your site

Like this one:
Every-witchy Way
Let's Promote. A blog solely for promoting blog and web sites, other topics and advocacy.
Tags: promote blog, prudence charlz, blogs
Visit this site to connect you to other sites in the World Wide Web.

Hope you would follow this format for easy reading. I have the right, however, to delete comments which I think are just spam and far from my requested format.

It would be nice to click on the ads for your every visit to various blogs, only if you like to click. :) Have a nice day everyone!

Thank you and let's promote your blog.

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  1. The Blog That Am!
    "It's too cool and beautiful to develop and motivate, build up character." (As in an esoterically-inclined blog with online shopping for to, among other things, help reduce the American National Debt.)
    Tags: esoteric blogs, esoterica, personal opinion, whimsey, facetiae, The Blog That Am!, online shopping, motivational, thought-provocative blog


Thank you for your comments! Have a nice day!

Keep visiting Every-Witchy Way.

Prudence Charlz

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