
Solar and Eclipse on Menagerie; Pets Wanting for New Hope

9:22 AM

The first three things that will come out in our mind when we hear the words Solar and Eclipse are sun, earth, and moon. But it could also only be two and they are living on earth. Solar and Eclipse are two lovely and adorable Himalayan Persians adopted last month. Following their story from how they are wanting to have a home and finally adopted is truly a wonderful journey with them.

You may find their story at Michelle's Menagerie blog. As the blog title suggest, it is quite a home to wild animals in the world wide web. Thus, her blog is not just about Solar and Eclipse, you would also find other pets or animals in Michelle's travel adventures. Witness how she gives life to the animals' world.


Click here to view large imageAs I would drop my Entrecard to Michelle's Menagerie, my attention was caught by Solar and Eclipse. This is where I found out that they are just adopted. They love their new home. While scrolling down and reading more of Michelle's post again last night, another lovely kitten named Teddy melts my heart. Then my boyfriend, who is also a cat lover, clicked the link posts at the end of the entry. We landed on Facebook and find the Pets on Death Row page. We discovered that Teddy was scheduled for euthanasia on October 8, 2010.

Then we followed Teddy's story through comments posted. The time that we finally breathe was when we read that Teddy was pulled and safe now. More pets saved.

Click here to view large image
There are more stories of these pets who have no home and included in the list of pets to be destroyed. It's not every week or every month but every day there are new pets on the death row. Most of them are cats who are homeless.

Click here to view large imageJeffery, Ju Ju, Nicki, Ray, and Katty are wanting for new home, new hope. Their time is limited. Tomorrow could be their last day if no one's going to save them. If you want to save them, visit Pets on Death Row Facebook page. Even your last minute call could save them from euthanasia. They only need a home.

Calling New York City.

Source: Pets on Death Row

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Prudence Charlz

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